Zimbra Connector for Microsoft Outlook User Guide (2024)

The Zimbra Advanced Settings dialog allows the user to configure settings specific to certain features in ZCO (e.g. purge, HAB, partial sync etc.), if any settings on the page are changed, then Outlook restart is required. ZCO will pop up the "Restart" dialog to do this.

This chapter describes the advanced features of ZCO.

Adding Other Accounts to Your Zimbra Profile

A single Mail Profile can combine Zimbra, IMAP, Exchange and POP accounts butnote that you cannot add more than one Zimbra account to an individual profile.

To add a new account, go to:

StartSettingsControl PanelMailShow ProfilesAdd…​

and follow the prompts to add a new email account.

Compacting Your ZDB

Over time, the ZDB can become fragmented - taking more space than it needs, and affecting performance - particularly after the deletion of a large number of items.

It can, therefore, be beneficial to compact your ZDB periodically.Compacting every few months should be sufficient in most cases.

For large mailboxes, this operation can take significanttime - an hour or even longer - during which you will not be able to use Outlook, so you shoulddo this at a time when you do not need to use Outlook.
  1. In Outlook, select File > Account Settings.

  2. In the Account Settings dialog box, click the Email tab.

  3. Select the Zimbra profile for which you want to compact the ZDB and click Change.

  4. In the Zimbra Server Configuration Settings dialog, select the Data Files tab.

  5. Click Compact files. A progress window opens and then closes after the ZDB compaction completes.

  6. Click OK.

Zimbra administrators can now enable the automatic compaction of databases.If the administrator has disabled the progress dialog, the compaction still proceeds in the background, and you may see the Outlook splash screen for a bit longer than usual.


When Outlook starts up, it connects to the server to verify your login credentials. This process is known as Authentication.

ZCO supports four types of authentication:

  • Username and Password

  • Single Sign-on

  • Two-Factor Authentication

  • Certificate Authentication

Zimbra administrators configure the authentication type that you use.

Username and Password

The most common form of authentication wherein you enter your username and password to complete the verification process. Login requires no other information.

Single Sign-on

In Single Sign-on, ZCO uses your Windows Login credentials. If this is available in your organization, you will see a checkbox onthe first Zimbra property page:

Connect using my Windows login credentials

Two-Factor Authentication

If your Zimbra server account has been set up to use Two-Factor Authentication, then you will be asked to provide a time-sensitive passcode during sign-in.

The passcode needs to be generated using a third-party app (e.g., Authy, Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator, etc.), which Zimbra administrators configure for your account.

When entering the passcode, you will be given the option to Remember this device. If you select this option, you will not need to provide a code again for this account on your current machine for 30 days by default.

Certificate Authentication

If your Zimbra server account is set up to use certificate authentication, then you need an appropriate certificate for your Zimbra account configured on your PC. You will then be prompted to selectthis certificate whenever you sign in to your Zimbra server account withOutlook.

Synchronizing Outlook Notes

Outlook Notes synchronize with the server where they appear within Briefcase folders.There, they can be viewed, but not edited with the Zimbra Web Client. Each Outlook Notes folder appears as a Briefcase folder.

Briefcase folders created with the Zimbra Web Client do not appear in Outlook unless they contain Notes.


A Zimbra Persona allows you to create a separate email identity to manage different email accounts. E.g., you can create a persona for your work email and another for your non-business emails.

By using a persona, you can specify a different From address and a Reply To address. All outgoing email displays the email address of the persona that you are using. You choose the persona by clicking the From field in Outlook’s Compose Email window.

You can view, add, edit, and delete your Zimbra Personas from Outlook.

If you previously created personas using the Zimbra Web Client, the personas will sync with Outlook.

Adding a Persona

  1. Click the Zimbra tab → Personas

  2. Click Add.

  3. Enter the name for the new persona and click OK.

  4. (Optional) In the Personas Settings area, you can choose what appears in the From and Reply-to fields of email messages.

  5. Uncheck the box Set the "Reply-to" field of email messages to: to set the same persona settings for new emails and replies.

    • To have a different Reply-to information, check the box and enter a different From name and email address.

  6. Click OK to save your changes.

Synchronizing Personas

When composing or replying to an email, you may need to sync your personas if you do not see them under Accounts (Outlook 2007 and older) or under From (Outlook 2010 and newer).

  1. Click the Zimbra tab → Personas

  2. Click Add.

  3. Confirm your account is in the Personas list. If your persona is not listed, you need to add a persona.

  4. Click OK. This action syncs personas and displays the Account menu in the New Message dialog.

Deleting a Persona

  1. Click the Zimbra tab → Personas

  2. Click Add.

  3. Select the persona you want to delete.

  4. Click Delete to delete the selected persona.

  5. Click OK.

  6. To recover a deleted persona before changes are applied, click Cancel.

You cannot delete the default Persona.
You cannot recover personas once you have deleted them and saved the changes.

Using Zimbra Tags and Outlook Categories

In Outlook, you can assign categories to email messages, contacts, tasks, and appointments.These categories are synchronized with your account and appear in Zimbra with colored labels known as tags.

You can use categories to organize and find particular items.One item can belong to multiple categories.

  1. To browse your account by category, go to your Zimbra mail folder in the Outlook Navigation pane

  2. Select Search FoldersCategorized Mail. The mail appears grouped by category in the Content pane.


Rules allow you to automatically filter or manage incoming or existing email in your account.

A rule consists of one or more conditions that an email must satisfy, and one or more actions that will be applied when it does.For example, you can select from the following actions:

  • Automatically move an incoming email into a specific folder

  • Delete a message

  • Forward a message

  • Assign an email to a category

  • Flag a message

  • Mark a message as read

There are two kinds of rules:

  • Zimbra Server Rules

  • Outlook Local Rules

Zimbra Server Rules are executed by the server even when your Outlook is not running. For this reason, server rules are generally the preferred way to automate email management, and ZCO disables Outlook rules by default.

To configure Server Rules, use ToolsZimbra Server Rules.

Creating a New Email Rule

  1. Click the Zimbra tab → Zimbra Server Rules.

  2. In the Rules dialog box, click New. A rules wizard dialog appears.

  3. In the Select condition(s) section, select the conditions that the message must match. As you select the conditions, they display in Edit the Rule Description section.

  4. If the condition you selected requires a value, such as with specific words in the body, you must enter the values or parameters for the condition:

    1. Click the condition line in the Edit the Rule Description section.

    2. In the dialog that opens, enter, add, or select the value(s) or parameter(s) for the condition and click OK.

  5. Click Next.

  6. In the Select actions section select an action to take. Selected action appears in the Edit the Rule Description section.

  7. If the action you selected requires a value, you must enter the values or parameters for the action:

    1. Click the action line in the Edit the Rule Description section.

    2. In the dialog that opens, enter, add, or select the value(s) orparameter(s) for the action and click OK.

  8. Click Next.

  9. In the Select exception(s) section, select the exceptions that the messagemust match. As you select the exceptions, they display in Edit the RuleDescription section.

  10. If the exception you selected requires a value, you must enter the valuesor parameters for the exception:

    1. Click the exception line in the Edit the Rule Description section.

    2. In the dialog that opens, enter, add, or select the value(s) orparameter(s) for the condition and click OK.

  11. Click Next.

  12. Enter a name for your new rule in the Specify a name for this rule field.

  13. Select whether to apply the rule to messages that meet Any condition orAll conditions.

  14. (Optional) Select Do not process additional filter rules if applicable.

  15. Review your rule description.

    • To make changes, click Back.

    • If your rule description is correct, click Finish.

Your new rule appears in the list of rules.

Editing an Email Rule

  1. Click the Zimbra tab → Zimbra Server Rules.

  2. Select the rule you want to edit.

  3. Click Edit.

  4. Select the condition, action, exception, or other detail you want to edit.

  5. Click Next.

  6. Click Finish when you are finished editing the rule.

  7. Click Apply to exit the Rules Wizard and save your changes.

Deleting an Email Rule

  1. Click the Zimbra tab → Zimbra Server Rules.

  2. Select the rule you want to delete.

  3. Click Delete.

  4. Click Apply to exit the Rules Wizard and save your changes.

Running an Email Rule

You can run rules at your convenience or on already-received emails.

  1. Click the Zimbra tab → Zimbra Server Rules.

  2. Select the rule to run.

    ZCO runs the highlighted rule regardless of whether you have checked the checkbox.
  3. Click Run Now on the right.

  4. Choose the folder on which to run the rule.

  5. Click OK to run the rule.

While the server runs your selected rule on a folder, a progress dialog shows you how many emails have been processed and affected.You can stop the rule from running by clicking Cancel in the dialog.

When all the emails in the folder have been processed, you will be shown a summary of the run.Click OK to acknowledge and close the dialog.

The filter runs on the Zimbra server, so the client must be online, and changes for affected messages need to synchronize to the Outlook client before they are visible.

Sharing Folders

You can share your email, address book, calendar, tasks, and notes folderswith others either in your organization, external guests, or the public.

When you share your folder, you identify whether to share your folderinternally, externally, or to create a public share.

  • Internal share: Zimbra users or groups listed in the Global Address List (GAL) can view your folder. You select the types of privileges to grant tointernal users.

  • External share: External users can see your folder using their emailaddress and a password that you assign. External users cannot make anychanges to the information they view.

  • Public shares: Anyone can see your folder using its URL.Viewers cannot make changes to the information they view.

Assigning Roles and Access Privileges

Roles are preset combinations of access privileges. The access privileges aredefined as follows:

  • Read: View items in the folder.

  • Edit: Change the contents of the folder.

  • Create: Add items to the folder.

  • Delete: Delete items from the folder.

  • Act on Workflow: Respond to requests.

  • Administer Folder: Modify the permissions of the folder.

The following are the roles that a user can allow when sharing:



Read, Edit, Create, Delete, Act on workflow, Administer folder. The grantee has the same access to the folder as the owner.


Read, Edit, Create, Delete, Act on workflow


Read. This role is the default.

All external and public shares are assigned the role of Reviewer, and it cannot be changed.

By default, the grantees and access privileges assigned to a folder only apply to that folder and not to any folders stored inside the folder (child folders). The Inherit permissions from parent option in the Sharing tab allows you to apply the same grantees and access privileges as the parent folder. This option enables you to assign grantees and access privileges to multiple folders without setting up individual shares for each one.

Sharing a Folder with Another Zimbra User

  1. Right-click the folder you want to share and select Properties.

  2. Click the Sharing tab.

  3. Click Add.

  4. Select Internal and click OK.

  5. In the Search field, start typing a name to show the access list. Make sure you select the Address Book from which you want to search.

  6. Select the user to whom you wish to assign delegate access.

  7. Click OK. The name displays in the Properties dialog.

Note: You can only add one person at a time. To share with more than oneperson, repeat these steps.
  1. From the Permission Level menu, select the role that defines the access privileges:


    Can create, read, edit, and delete items; can alsoadminister a folder and act on workflow items.


    Can create, read, edit, and delete items and act on workflowitems.


    Has read-only privileges.But if you want to have the same permission level as the parent folder, check Inherit permissions from parent.

  2. Click Apply.

  3. Click OK.

The person receives a notification email with the sharing information.

  1. Right-click the folder to share and select Properties.

  2. Click the Sharing tab.

  3. On the Sharing tab, click Add.

  4. Select External.

  5. In the * Email Address* field, type the email address of the external user.

  6. In the Password field, type a password for the person to use for accessing this shared folder.

  7. Click OK. The Sharing tab lists the external user’s email address. The permission level is Reviewer and cannot be changed.

  8. Click Apply. To add other users to the Sharing list, repeat these steps.

The person receives a notification email with the sharing information.

Creating a public share allows access to external users without a password.

  1. Right-click the folder to share and select Properties.

  2. Go to the Sharing tab.

  3. On the Sharing tab, click Add.

  4. Select Public.

  5. Click OK. An option Public appears in the Sharing tab. The permission level is Reviewer and cannot be changed.

  6. Click OK.

To access this share, users must enter the folder’s URL in a Webbrowser. The URL is your mail server’s address, followed by /home/:

For example, if your mail server is https://mail.example.com/, the username is Joe, and the folder you are sharing is Tasks, the sharing URL is


Changing or Revoking Access

You can change the role that you assigned and delete access.

  1. Right-click the folder you have shared and choose Properties.

  2. Click the Sharing tab to see who has the permission to access the folder.

  3. Select the name and change the permission levels. To cancel the access, select the name and click Remove.

  4. Click OK.

The next time a grantee syncs with the Zimbra server, the shared folder updates with new information. If you deleted access, the folder no longer appears when the grantee syncs. If you have deleted an external or public share, the grantee cannot access the folder.

When a new sharing invitation is received, Accept Share and Decline Share buttons appear on the main (Home) tab of the Outlook Window’s ribbon. These buttons also appear on the Zimbra tab and the main tab of an open message window.

  • If you click Accept Share or Decline Share, you must confirm your action.

  • If you choose Accept the Share:

    • The shared folder is opened in Outlook.

    • A corresponding link is created in Zimbra Collaboration (so that thesame shared folder is also available in a second Outlook profile and the Zimbra Web Client.

    • The share message is deleted.

  • If you choose Decline the Share, the share message isdeleted after confirmation.

  • Share messages present in the Outlook profile — before a ZCOupgrade — will not display the Accept Share or Decline Share buttons.

  • If the shared storage is already open in Outlook, you receive a notification, and ZCO deletes the shared message.

  • Copies of outgoing share messages (typically in Sent Items) do not displaythe Accept Share or Decline Share buttons.

If someone has shared their folder with you, follow the below steps to access it.

  1. On the Outlook menu bar, go to Zimbra RibbonOpen Other User’s Mailbox. The address book dialog opens with the Global Address List displayed.

  2. Navigate to the name of the person who has granted you access. You can also enter their email address.

  3. Click OK. The shared folder now appears at the bottom of your folders list.

  4. To see all folders in the mailbox that are shared, view the Folder List in the Navigation pane.

To view the status of a share, go to:

Zimbra RibbonShare Status

Choosing this displays a dialog box that lists all mailboxes whose folders you can access. Entries are added to this list whenever youuse Open Other User’s Mailbox. New listings since you last accessed Outlook appear in red.

To the left of the entry is a checkbox. You can uncheck this to stop sharing all folders from that mailbox. You can later recheck it to begin sharing.

Recover Deleted Items

Recover Deleted Items allows you to recover deleted items. This feature, when enabled by a system administrator, is useful to recover files you have deleted.

You can recover only emails and contacts.

Recovering a deleted item

  1. Select Zimbra RibbonRecover.

  2. Select Messages or Contacts.

  3. Click OK.

  4. Select item(s) you would like to recover.

  5. Click OK.

Recovered items appear in the Trash folder, from where you can move it to the desired folder.

Allowing Others to Send Emails on Your Behalf

If you want others to send an email on your behalf, then youneed to add them to your list of Delegates. Once you have added a user, you can use the Delegates function to share folders, such as Calendar and Tasks from your email account. Sharing permissions and roles were described above.

  1. Select Delegates from the Zimbra ribbon.

  2. Click Add to select your delegates.

  3. Click Permissions…​ to grant permissions to the selected user.

    By default, a new delegate has unrestricted access to the Calendar and Tasks folders.
  4. Click OK.

You can enable multiple delegates to send an email on your behalf. These delegates cannot access your account unless you grant them folder permissions.

Forwarding Invitations

If you forward a meeting invitation to other users, they also receive a notification for the initial meeting request.

Creating an Out-of-Office Email Message

You can send an automatic response to people when you are out of the office. You can also have different responses for people who are not in your organization.

  1. Click the Zimbra tab → Out of Office Assistant.

  2. Select I am currently Out of the Office.

  3. In the text box, type the message to be sent, such as “I am on vacation from June 1 to June 6 and will not be checking for messages.”

  4. Set the start and end dates and times for using this message.

  5. Under External Senders there are four options in the drop-down.

    Send same reply message

    The message drafted above is the same that is sent to people outside your organization.

    Send different reply to everyone outside my organization

    Choose this option and draft a separate message that you would like to send to people who are not in your organization.

    Send different reply to everyone outside my organization unless in address book

    People who are neither in your organization nor save in your address book receive a different reply than people in your organization.

    Don’t send reply to external senders

    Choose this option if you do not want the external senders to receive an out of office response.

  6. Click OK. The Out of office message starts on the date and time you specified. External senders may not receive a response as per your choice above.

Viewing Mail Storage Quota

You can store email messages on the Zimbra server up to the quota configured for your mailbox. Email messages, attachments to messages, address books, calendars, tasks, and the items in your Trash folder contribute to your used quota. When you reach your quota, you may not receive new emails.

You can check your Zimbra Mailbox Quota from Outlook:

Tools > Mailbox Quota

Regaining Storage Space

  • Delete email messages and old calendar appointments from your account. Empty your trash after you delete items to update your storage space.

  • Download email attachments and save them on your computer locally. You can then remove the attachment from an email to free up space on the server.

  • Archive messages in Outlook.

    • The Outlook AutoArchive function is disabled for Zimbra profiles andfolders. This feature should not be enabled. Auto-archiving removesfiles from the server, including items shared with others. This removal can cause data loss or problems with recurring appointments, shared objects, and historical calendar data.

    • Outlook’s global AutoArchive function remains enabled for Outlookfeatures that are not Zimbra specific.

After you delete items, use the Refresh feature to check for the most recent quota.

Working Offline

When you are working offline:

  • Only the items that are in the ZDB that are onyour computer are available.

  • If you configured the settings to downloadheaders only, only the messages that you have downloaded are available.

  • New mail is not synchronized to your computer until you go online andconnect to the Zimbra server.

  • Email that you create while working offline issaved to your Outbox and is automatically sent when you connect to theZimbra server.

Showing Zimbra Progress

To view the history of ZCO sync activity, go to Zimbra Ribbon > Show Zimbra Progress.

The standard Outlook progress dialog does not apply to ZCO.

To hide the progress dialog when there is no ZCO sync activity, click thepush-pin in the bottom right corner.

Synchronizing The Global Address List

The Global Address List (GAL) contains contact details of people in yourorganization. By default, a copy of this list is stored in your ZDB so that you can access these details when you are offline.

You can control how often your local GAL is updated. Go to Zimbra RibbonSync Global Address List.

Options include:


Your GAL is updated whenever your mailbox is synchronized.


Your GAL is updated when you do manual sync (e.g., by pressing F9)

  • Disabled: Updating is disabled

  • Update Global Address List: Forces an immediate GAL update

  • Reset Global Address List: Rebuilds your GAL from scratch. Your administrator may request that you rebuild the GAL following specific changes to the server’s GAL.

Resetting your GAL can take an hour or more depending on the size of your organization. You can, however, continue to use Outlook while the reset is in progress.
Zimbra Connector for Microsoft Outlook User Guide (2024)


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