Conan Exiles How to Make Brick: The Ultimate Tutorial - Conan Fanatics (2024)

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Ceronesthes is our resident expert and Conan Exiles influencer here at Conan Fanatics. He is a well-known figure within the Conan Exiles community and has poured countless hours into this open-world survival adventure. Don't believe us, just check out his Youtube channel and see for yourself!

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Table of Contents

  • Contents
  • TL;DR Version
  • The Quick Rundown
  • Which Tools to Use
  • Oils of Bounty and Efficiency Kits
    • Oils of Bounty
    • The Catch
  • Which Furnace is Best?
    • Kilns
    • Fuel-Efficient Furnace
    • Heat-Efficient Furnace
  • Best Stone Locations
    • The Volcano
    • The Central Desert
    • The Scorpion Den/Silver Mine
  • Frequently Asked Questions
    • Question: How are the bricks crafted?
    • Question: What is the BEST place for stone?
    • Question: What furnace should I use to smelt? Does it make a difference?
  • The Final Word

The humble brick is the cornerstone of nearly every structure and crafting bench in the game. You’ll need it for hardened brick structures, crafting benches, and repairing your base after a purge or raid. The process of creating bricks is actually quite simple if you only need a few… but you’ll quickly find that to build an empire, understanding the tips and tricks necessary to produce bricks in bulk is necessary if you want to get anywhere soon.


  • TL;DR Summary
  • Quick Rundown
  • Which Tools to Use
  • Oils of Bounty and Efficiency Toolkits
  • Which Furnace is Best?
  • Best Stone Locations
  • FAQ
  • The Final Word

TL;DR Version

Bricks can be crafted by placing stones into any furnace and smelting them, while hardened brick can be crafted by resmelting those bricks alongside stone consolidant – and while the crafting procedure is simple, obtaining them in the quantities you need will require a bit of farming knowledge.

The Quick Rundown

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Bricks are crafted by placing the stone into any furnace, but the story doesn’t stop there. Each stone brick foundation requires 10 bricks apiece, and reinforced stone foundations require 15 hardened bricks, the upgraded variant of bricks. It doesn’t seem like a lot, but a reasonably sized castle will run you hundreds or potentially thousands of building pieces, equating to hundreds of thousands of stone for even just a single base – not to mention the bricks you’ll need for crafting disposable raid bases, siege frames, and various crafting benches. You can choose to just grab your best tool and go smack rocks, but you’re going to be at it for a while without knowing your best options.

When it comes to stone, pickaxes, and picks are equally efficient in harvesting it, so there’s not much to consider for that. The type of tool makes quite the difference, however.

Tools in Conan Exiles have what’s called a “harvesting power” that is dictated by their tier, simply put the higher the harvesting power the higher the yields will be. For most players, your standard endgame tool will be star metal, as once you’ve completed a star metal run you’ll have more than enough to maintain your tools for likely the rest of your playthrough, depending on how much you get. They also have the second-highest gathering power in the game, making them a solid budget option.

Above that, your best options are obsidian, eldarium, and black blood tools. Their harvesting power is 8, compared to star metal’s 7, but they come with their own unique costs.

Obsidian tools require composite obsidian, which is obtained via combining steel and obsidian inside a special forge. The volcanic forge within the well of skelos deep inside the volcano is your only choice on Exiled Lands, while if you’re playing on Siptah you can use the forge of the first men located in the isle of dusk. The crafting time and travel requirements can make obsidian tools more than a little annoying to obtain, but maintaining them is fairly cheap as you can use master repair kits, which only cost hardened steel.

Black blood tools are a bit different and only drop from special bosses. Feasts-On-Flesh located within the cave known as Bin-Yakin’s Seal (H10) as well as from The One Lost Behind (an identical black bird boss) on the roof of New Luxur in Siptah. The drop rates can be fairly unforgiving, but these tools have the benefit of having the highest durability in the game, which will become important later.

Eldarium tools are made with eldarium found within the vaults of Siptah, and the recipe is unlocked by interacting with a small book within the Wayshrine of the Birdmen (G11). These tools have the same gathering power as obsidian, but more durability. This will become important later!

See also: Conan Exiles Alchemical Base Guide

Oils of Bounty and Efficiency Kits

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Further buffing the strength of your tools comes in a few forms. Tool efficiency kits, crafted in the tinker’s bench, come in 3 tiers, the highest of which requires hardened steel. This will increase the yield per swing of your tool at the cost of its maximum durability being reduced. Despite the durability loss, due to the ease at which most tools can be repaired, it is highly recommended that you use these efficiency kits on your tools whenever possible, and the highest tier you have access to. The difference it makes is staggering and is well worth the repair costs.

See also: Conan Exiles Wheel of Pain Guide

Oils of Bounty

For those of you looking to juice your farms up just a little bit more, look no further than oils of bounty. The recipe for these is found randomly in vaults within Siptah, while you can purchase it from the Archivist in the Unnamed City for 5 fragments of power. The feat itself gives you access to a number of oils, but the one most important for mass-producing bricks is the oil of bounty. It will require a number of fragments of power to make, but it increases your yields significantly.

The Catch

It does come with its own unique catch though. Firstly, youcannot apply an efficiency toolkit to a weapon that has an oil on it and vice versa, the two farming buffs are completely incompatible. So if you plan on using oils of bounty, do not apply an efficiency toolkit to your tools.

Additionally, when you apply any oil to a tool or weapon, a timer appears on the tool. As long as you have the tool equipped, this timer will tick down. So long as that timer remains, you will have full access to the farming buff that comes from an oil of bounty, which can be as high as 50%, making efficient farming incredibly powerful.

The duration of that timer is dictated by the base durability of the tool you apply it to, which is why I stressed durability before. Tools like star metal and obsidian have low durabilities, and will thus have short-timers if used with oils of bounty, making them rather wasteful. If you’re going to use oils, prioritize using black blood tools, which have the highest durability and thus, give you the longest runtime for your oils.

When that timer reaches zero, however, the tool will lose its oil effect and it will have its durability reduced to near broken. It will not break the tool, it will only damage it and unequip it, meaning you can repair it and apply fresh oil to it to continue farming. Packing multiple repair kits for the tools you bring as well as extra oils of the bounty will allow you to farm and farm, so make sure to be prepared!

Making the most of that timer is what separates the noobs from the pros. When you’re not using the tool in question, you should have it unequipped to make the most of its duration. You can even unequip your tool the moment you’ve finished farming a node, simply use a dodge roll. This will interrupt the swing animation of whatever tool you’re using, allowing you to unequip it instantly. It doesn’t sound like much, but even stretching out an additional 30 seconds will yield you thousands and thousands more stones in the long run, though this tip helps for every kind of farming that uses oils as well.

See also: Conan Exiles Vines Guide

Which Furnace is Best?

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We’ve mentioned that bricks have to be smelted in a furnace, but that begs the question… which is best? Furnaces vary wildly in how many inventory slots they have, their crafting speeds, and their fuel costs, but often the best furnace for the job is actually quite clear.

There are four furnace types. The original primitive furnace has 20 inventory slots, no increase in craft speed, and a 14.3% increase in fuel efficiency. The improved furnace has the same inventory slots and crafting speed, but marginally higher fuel efficiency. Overall, improved furnaces will carry you through most of the early game.

The real debate opens up with the specialty furnaces – Kilns, Heat-Efficient furnaces, and Fuel-Efficient furnaces.


Kilns are obtained via the forbidden library in the unnamed city, or randomly from vault chests in Siptah. They give a small increase to crafting speed and efficiency, but their real strength is that they have a whopping 60 inventory slots. When crafting large quantities of bricks, even the fastest furnaces can take hours to process the thousands of bricks you’ll be making, so if you plan on filling your furnaces before logging out or going on an adventure, being able to queue up as many bricks as possible can be extremely advantageous.

Fuel-Efficient Furnace

This furnace is unlocked through the regular tech tree. As its name implies, this furnace excels at making your fuel last longer, to the tune of a 300% increase in fuel duration and a mild increase in craft speeds. It has 40 available crafting slots, allowing you to queue up much more than a regular furnace, but the drawbacks of this furnace become more obvious as we examine our final option.

Heat-Efficient Furnace

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This one is the big boy and the furnace of choice for most veterans. This furnace only has 30 inventory slots, and it comes with a fuel penalty of -77%, meaning your fuel burns up much faster.

The tradeoff however is that it crafts 350% faster.

If you’re worried about the loss in fuel efficiency, keep in mind that fuel efficiency and crafting speed are, in a way, the same stat. The faster something crafts, the less fuel it uses. The increase in crafting speed more than makes up for the loss in fuel efficiency and renders the fuel-efficient furnace relatively redundant. You can’t queue up as many bricks in this furnace, but because the bricks cook SO quickly, every time you return from a trip or a farming session you’ll be able to restock it, and it will craft your resources as quickly as you obtain them.

It’s worth noting as well that by using the larger furnaces as opposed to smaller ones, the efficiency of smelter thralls is also greatly increased. A named smelter will increase your smelting speeds by 100%, combined with a heat-efficient furnace you’ll be smelting faster than you can farm. When using a smaller array of less expensive furnaces, you’ll need far more smelter thralls to make up the difference.

Overall, there is some debate as to whether or not kilns or heat-efficient furnaces are the best given the circ*mstances, but for the absolute majority of players your heat-efficient furnaces will be well worth the investment.

Best Stone Locations

So you have your tools, potentially some oils, and an order for a few hundred thousand rocks… but there’s still a bit more to consider. It might be tempting to just go start swinging at the nearest stones to your home, but you’ll quickly find this to be tedious and the yields will be low. Veterans know the juiciest stone veins are worth traveling for.

You’re looking for two things; Firstly, quantity. The area you farm in should obviously have large amounts of stone. The second is density, these stones should be tightly packed together, and I mean tightly packed. The best stone locations in the game have large amounts of stones that are overlapping each other, meaning you can swing your tool a single time and hit four, five, or even more stones at a time. This will not only speed up regular farming immensely but allows people who use oils to make the most of their restrictive time limits.

We’ll go over a few of the choicest spots now to give you an idea of what to look for, though it should be noted there are excellent stone locations in nearly every biome, so it’s always worth it to check your backyard. Just be sure to use a discerning eye, it’s not worth settling for sub-par stone patches just because they’re close.

See also: Conan Exiles Brick Guide

The Volcano

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First on our list is the volcano. If you use the obelisk to reach the volcano, heading further into the volcano and taking a left immediately after leaving the obelisk structure will show you huge veins of stone all overlapping each other. The entire volcano is covered with patches like this where you can swing a few times and hit many, many stones at once. You’ll need heat resistance to avoid dying to the extreme temperatures, so be sure to bring some ice.

All along the lava flows you’ll find these stones packed together, so if you’re ever traveling to the volcano for thralls, obsidian, gold, or whatever else, be sure to take the small detour to mine the thickest of these veins. Due to how close to an obelisk some of the best veins are, the volcano makes for an incredibly consistent and easy source of stone if you don’t mind the heat.

The Central Desert

Just north of what’s commonly referred to as the “noob river”, the river furthest south on the map where most new players collide with the harsh world of Conan, there are a number of gigantic rock outcrops that are almost as dense as they can be. The rough area of G4, G5, H4, and H5 is where it is the densest, but pushing further north will give you more stone in similar formations.

The Scorpion Den/Silver Mine

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This area is known to most players as “the silver mine”, though its value far exceeds this. Located within the Jawbone at C6, the silver mine is easily the best location in the game for mass-producing bricks, and once you visit you’ll see why.

After entering the dungeon, following the main path will bring you straight to what players refer to as “the rockslide”, the densest pack of stone in the entire game. Every swing will collide with six, seven, even eight rocks at a time, and the amount of stones in just this one patch is incredible. With proper tools, you can easily produce ten thousand stones or more in a single minute.

More than that however is the utility. The silver mine has silver, of course, as well as iron and the stones we’re focusing on today… but it’s also home to the densest veins of coal in the game as well, meaning not only can you procure the stone you need, but the fuel you need to smelt it, which by itself can save you hours of farming time.

Having thousands of coal also allows you to use heat-efficient furnaces without having to worry about the hit to fuel efficiency. If there’s one thing you learn from this guide at all, it’s that if you need stone – go to the silver mine. You’ll thank yourself later.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: How are the bricks crafted?

Answer: Place stones inside any furnace alongside any fuel source, then press play to craft. You don’t need to select the brick from any crafting window, so long as there is enough stone and fuel in the furnace it will be made automatically while running.

Question: What is the BEST place for stone?

Answer: The Scorpion Den (also known as The Silver Mine) in C6. It has the best stone density and also has the coal you’ll need to smelt it all.

Question: What furnace should I use to smelt? Does it make a difference?

Answer: Generally, you use the best furnace you have available. It absolutely makes a difference, however, and most veterans will highly recommend the heat-efficient furnace for its incredible crafting speeds.

The Final Word

Overall, your quest for bricks can be deceptively simple. Any caveman with a stone pick and a furnace can craft a handful of bricks if given a bit of time, but for the exiles among us trying to build a kingdom you’ll find that proper knowledge of what tools, furnaces, and farming spots will make a difference of days or even weeks with your projects. Happy mining!

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Conan Exiles How to Make Brick: The Ultimate Tutorial - Conan Fanatics (2024)


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